
OTN - Installing and Configuring FDM 11.1.1

Installing and Configuring Oracle® Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Fusion Edition for Financial Management

This tutorial covers installing and configuring Financial Data Quality Management (FDM) for a Financial Management installation.

Approximately 2 hours.


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In this tutorial, you learn to install and configure FDM, create an FDM application, and link the FDM application to a Financial Management application.

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As an administrator, you are tasked with installing FDM, creating an FDM application, and integrating the FDM application with a Financial Management application.

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Before starting this tutorial, you should:


Have access to Workspace and Financial Management.

2. Know the database creator account and password.

Have access to or have created a Financial Management application that you can link to your FDM application.


Know the Windows account under which DCOM objects run.


Know the Windows account under which the .NET processes run.


Know the user account in your authentication directory that is used to browse the directory and perform authentication.

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Installing Financial Data Quality Management

In this topic, you install all components of FDM.


Navigate to Oracle E-Delivery, and perform the following actions:

a. In the Select a Product Pack drop-down list, select Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System.

b. In the Platform drop-down list, select Microsoft Windows (32-bit).

c. Click Go.


On the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management ( Media Pack for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) page, select Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Fusion Edition Release Microsoft Windows X86, and click Download.


Save the V13458-01.zip file to a temporary directory.


Navigate to the V13458-01.zip file and extract the assembly.dat file to the assemblies folder on your computer.


Navigate to your assemblies folder, and confirm that it contains the fdm folder.


Navigate to your Oracle EPM System Install directory and double-click InstallTool.cmd to launch the Oracle Hyperion EPM System Installer.


On the Welcome page of the Hyperion EPM System Installer Release 11.1.1, click Next.


Accept the default destination folder or click Browse to enter a new destination folder, and then click Next.


Select New Installation and Choose components individually, and click Next.


Select FDM and click Next.


Click Next to install all components.


Confirm that all components are installed, and click Finish to exit Hyperion EPM System Installer Release 11.1.1.

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Configuring the Web Server

In this topic, you configure the Web Server. The Web-based interface provides end users and administrators access to a number of FDM features.


Select Start > Programs > Oracle EPM System > Financial Data Quality Management > Web Server Components > Web Config Manager.


Enter the user name, password, and domain of the Windows account under which the .NET Web process will run.

Note: This account can be a local or a domain account, and it must have administrator rights to the Web Server.


On the Load Balance Server tab, enter the Load Balance server name, and click OK.

The load balance server is the computer that stores FDM application configurations and performs load balancing on FDM application servers. You may also specify a backup load balance server.


Select Start > Run, type cmd, and click OK to open a command prompt.


Type iisreset to restart Internet Information Services (IIS).

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Configuring Task Manager and Application Manager

Task Manager installs a Windows service that runs scheduled tasks (FDM scripts) at specified intervals. Tasks can be scheduled to run repeatedly, daily, weekly, or monthly. The Application Server component enables the execution of resource-intensive tasks on a server other than the Web server, and thus can be used to limit database and file system access to a server behind a firewall (when the Web server is in front of the firewall).

In this topic, you assign the "Log on as a service" user permission to your administrator account. This user right is required for running scheduled tasks in Task Manager. You then configure the Task Manager and Application Manager components.


Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy, and expand Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.


In the right pane, double-click Log on as a service.


In the "Log on as a service Properties" dialog box, perform these actions:

  1. Verify that your admin account is listed, or click Add User or Group to add your admin account.
  2. Click OK to close the "Log on as a service Properties" dialog box.
  3. Select File > Exit to close the Local Security Policies window.


Select Start > Programs > Oracle EPM System > Financial Data Quality Management > Task Manager> Task Manager Configuration.


Enter the user name, password, and domain of the Windows account under which the Task Manager service and the FDM DCOM objects run.

Note: The Windows account must have full control permission for the FDM application folders that reside on the data server, as well as rights to the target system.


On the Load Balance Server tab, enter the name of your load balance server. You can enter a backup load balance server as well.


Select Start > Programs > Oracle EPM System > Financial Data Quality Management > Application Server > Application Server Config Manager.


Enter the user name, password, and domain of the Windows account under which the application server DCOM objects run, and click OK.

Note: The Windows account must have full control permission on the FDM application folders that reside on the data server, as well as rights to the target system.

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Configuring Load Balance Manager

Load Balance Manager enables you to balance the load on the FDM application servers and store the FDM application configuration. A common scenario is to install Load Balance Manager on a computer that is running the Application Server component.

In this topic, you configure Load Balance Manager by specifying the FDM application servers to use for load balancing.


Select Start > Programs > Oracle EPM System > Financial Data Quality Management > Load Balance Manager > Load Balance Configuration.


Enter the user name, password, and domain of the Windows account under which the Load Balance Manager DCOM objects run.

Note: The Windows account must have full control permission on the FDM application folders that reside on the data server, as well as rights to the target system.


On the Application Servers tab, click Add, and enter the names of all servers that run the FDM Application Server component.


On the Authentication Providers tab, click Add, and enter the name of the authentication provider that you will use in FDM.

The Authentication Provider dialog box is displayed.

Note: This screen enables you to add the following authentication providers: NTLM (NT LAN Manager), LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), MSAD (Microsoft Active Directory), VBSCRIPTSSO (Visual Basic script single sign-on), and VBSCRIPT (Visual Basic script). You can specify any combination of the five authentication providers. FDM attempts to authenticate users by using the authentication providers in the order in which they are listed, from top to bottom. You can click Move Up and Move Down to change the order. At least one enabled authentication provider is required.


Enter the information for your authentication provider, and click OK.

Note: When you place the cursor over an information icon (to the right of each item), a description of the item is displayed.


Confirm that your authentication provider is displayed, and click OK.

Note: Only accounts in the added URLs can access FDM. If no URLs are specified, the entire directory tree is searched.

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Configuring Workbench

Workbench is a Windows client program that provides an administration and development environment. It enables you to perform common administrator tasks, such as creating locations, building import formats, and creating validation and logic groups. It also enables you to administer integration adapters, scripts, and reports.

In this topic, you configure Workbench by defining a Load Balance group.


Select Start > Programs > Oracle EPM System > Financial Data Quality Management > Workbench > Workbench Client.


In the Load Balance Server Group dialog box, click Add.


Enter a group name and description, enter the name of your primary load balance server, and click OK.

Note: You can also add a backup server name.

A domain name, IP address, and server name are acceptable formats in which to designate the server. You can browse for a server by clicking .

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Creating Financial Data Quality Management Applications

In this topic, you create an FDM application and database. After creating the new application, you install the standard reports and templates.


Follow the steps required by your database provider to ensure that your database administrator account has rights to create a new database.



Log on to FDM by performing the following actions:

  1. Open Internet Explorer and enter the following URL: http:///HyperionFDM/, where is the name of your Web Server.
  2. Select , and enter the user name, password, and domain of an account that can create FDM applications.
  3. Click Logon.


Note: The specified account is added to the FDM application as an FDM administrator.


On the General tab in the New Application form, enter the name, description, and path of the new application.


On the Database tab perform the following actions:

  1. In OLE DB Provider list, select SQLOLEDB (SQL Server) or ORACLEDB.ORACLE (Oracle).
  2. Enter the database server name, database name, and the user name and password of the database administrator.
  3. Click OK.



Verify that the application was created successfully, and click OK.



Navigate to the V13458-01.zip file, and extract the V13458-01.zip file to a temporary directory.

The file contains the Reports and Templates zipped files.


Navigate to the unzipped V13458-01.zip file, and extract the FinancialDataManagement-Reports11.1.1.0.zip file to c:\Hyperion\products\FinancialDataQuality\\Reports.



Navigate to the unzipped V13458-01.zip file, and extract the FinancialDataManagement-Templates11.1.1.0.zip file to c:\Hyperion\products\FinancialDataQuality\\Outbox\Templates.



Select Start > Programs > Oracle EPM System > Financial Data Quality Management > Workbench > Workbench Client.


Select your application, enter the user name, password, and domain (if necessary), and click OK.



Select the Report tab, and then select File > Import.



Select the file c:\hyperion\fdm\\Reports\StandardReportsSQLServer1111Active.xml (for SQL) or c:\hyperion\fdm\\Reports\StandardReportsOracle1111Active.xml (for Oracle), and click Open.



On the General tab, select Reports and click OK.



Select File > Exit.



Log on to your application by performing the following actions:

  1. In Internet Explorer, enter the following URL: http:///HyperionFDM/, where is the name of your name of your Web server.
  2. Select your application, and enter the user name, password, and domain (if necessary).
  3. Click Logon.



In the navigation pane, select Tools > Templates to view the imported templates.


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Installing and Configuring Financial Management Adapters

After you create an FDM application, you install and configure the Financial Management adapters. Financial Management adapters enable interaction between the FDM application and the Financial Management applications.

Adapters have two components —DLL/EXE and XML metadata. DLL/EXE files contain the system-specific instructions for interacting with target or source systems. XML files contain all data that relates to the current FDM application.

In this topic, you install the Financial Management adapters and create a connection to a Financial Management application.


On the Oracle E-Delivery site, select Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management Adapter for Financial Management, Fusion Edition Release Microsoft Windows X86, and click Download.


Save the V13502-01.zip file to a temporary directory.


Extract the V13502-01.zipfile to c:\Hyperion\products\FinancialDataQuality\SharedComponents.



Select Start > Programs > Oracle EPM System > Financial Data Quality Management > Workbench > Workbench Client.


Select your application, enter the user name, password, and domain (if necessary), and click OK.



On the Adapters tab, select File > Import.



Select FM9x-G4-B.xml, and click Open.



On the General tab, select Integration Adapters, and click OK.


On the Oracle Hyperion FDM Workbench, select File > Import.



Select FM9i-G4-B.xml, and click Open.


Select Integration Adapters, and click OK.

Note: FM9x-G4-B.xml is the standard HFM adapter, and FM9i-G4-B.xml is the Intercompany Detail adapter.


Verify that the two adapters are displayed in the Target System Adapters section on the Adapters tab.


Select File > Register Adapter.


Select upsFM9xG4B.dll, and click Open.


Verify that the adapter registered successfully, and click OK.


In the navigation pane, expand Target System Adapters > FM9x-G4-B.xml, right-click Machine Profile, and select Add Machine Profile.


In the Add Machine Profile dialog box, enter the required information:

  • Source Machine is the FDM application server name.
  • Target Machine is the computer name or IP address of the application server or application cluster.
  • Optional: To override the logon method specified by the integration settings, specify a user name, password, and domain for the local computer


In the navigation pane, expand Target System Adapters > FM9i-G4-B.xml, right-click Machine Profile, and select Add Machine Profile.


In the Add Machine Profile dialog box, enter the required information:

  • Source Machine is the FDM application server name.
  • Target Machine is the computer name or IP address of the application server or application cluster.
  • Optional: To override the logon method specified by the integration settings, specify a user name, password, and domain for the local computer.


Log on to your application by performing the following actions:

  1. In Internet Explorer, enter http:///HyperionFDM/, where is the name of your Web server.
  2. Select your application and enter the user name, password, and domain (if necessary).
  3. Click Logon.


Select Administration > Application Settings.


In the System Code list, select FM9X-G4-B, and click Save.


Select Administration > Integration Settings.


In Integration Settings, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Options list, select Application name.
  2. In the App Name box, enter the name of your Financial Management application.


In Integration Settings, perform these actions:

  1. In the Options list, select Logon Method.
  2. In the Method list, select a logon method:
  • Unified: The FDM user name and password are used to log on to the target system. For this option to be usable, the target user name and password and the FDM user name and password must be the same.
  • Global: The user name and password specified for global logon is passed to the target system. Users enter the same user name and password to connect to the target system.
  1. Click Save.


Select Activities > Maps to test the connection to Financial Management.


Click Add to add a row.


Click in the Target FM Account cell, and select Browse for Target Value.


Verify that the list of accounts is from your Financial Management application.

You have successfully installed and configured FDM for a Financial Management application.

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In this tutorial, you learned how to:

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